====== Cohort Summarization Workgroup (Heracles) ====== **Objective:** The objective of this workgroup (WG) is to implement an open-source, web-based application that provides a consistent UI allowing exploration of user-defined cohorts in Common Data Model databases. The target CDM version is CDM5, with a planned release in early 2015. **Project Lead:** [[http://ohdsi.org/who-we-are/collaborators/jon-duke/|Jon Duke]] **Start Date:** 9/1/2014 **Repository:** [[https://github.com/OHDSI/Heracles]] **Meeting Minutes:** [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1as1MY-rTkhFCaBX_wPmGFnTL7EoFTIU5JzCAR9W-DeA/edit|Google Docs]] **Call-in Details:** Tuesday 10a-11a (Eastern) from January 6, 2015 forward WebEx: https://regenstrief.webex.com/regenstrief/j.php?J=733947649 Meeting number: 733 947 649 Audio Dial In: Dial +1-855-282-6330 Access Code: 733 947 649