Face-to-Face Oncology Meeting Notes

Next steps

I. Tasks to generate the minimal viable product

1. Diagnosis

a. Vocabulary Mapping

b. Diagnosis identification and verification

c. Cancer diagnosis representation in OMOP CDM – possible extension to represent recurrences

2. Staging

Choose vocabulary ???

3. Treatments

a. Drugs

b. Overlay cancer registry treatment schema (first occurrence only) with EMR details to construct complete treatment regimen

c. Model representation of the treatment regimen (era) in the CDM

II. Exploratory

  1. Discuss with IMO procedure mappings to SNOMED and classification of cancer cases.
  2. Explore commercial solutions that claim to identify cancer treatment regimens, recurrences, progression and compare the outcomes with our attempts to identify treatment regimens
  3. Invite Andrew Stewart and Mark Denise to present their efforts and results in mapping to CDM and additional modeling
  4. Find a geneticist and oncologist to identify cancer-relevant genomic areas
  5. Find out if we can get cancer registry data from any of the “SEER” states

III. Operational

Document challenges related to extending OHDSI infrastructure to support cancer research for NCI