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projects:workgroups:annotation_wg [2018/04/11 02:48]
projects:workgroups:annotation_wg [2018/04/12 19:27] (current)
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-====== ​OHDSI Annotation Workgroup ​======+====== ​ATLAS Chart Review Development WG ======
 <WRAP box justify round> <WRAP box justify round>
 **Objective:​** ​ **Objective:​** ​
-The OHDSI Annotation Workgroup ​is a forum to discuss the incorporation of annotations into the OMOP CDM. More information on the nature of potential annotations can be found in this {{:​projects:​workgroups:​annotation_ohdsi_community_call.pptx|Community Presentation}} and in this [[http://​​t/​annotations-in-the-cdm/​3995|forum thread]]. We welcome all participants and attendees interested in the topic.+The ATLAS Chart Review Development WG is a forum to discuss the design and implementation of a chart review tool incorporation of annotations into the OMOP CDM. More information on the nature of potential annotations can be found in this {{:​projects:​workgroups:​annotation_ohdsi_community_call.pptx|Community Presentation}} and in this [[http://​​t/​annotations-in-the-cdm/​3995|forum thread]]. We welcome all participants and attendees interested in the topic.
 **Deliverables:​** **Deliverables:​**
projects/workgroups/annotation_wg.1523414882.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/04/11 02:48 by jduke