====== Meeting Agenda/Presentation ====== ===== Agenda ===== - Invited Talk - Dr. Yonghui Wu **Title**: Enhance clinical data repository using natural language processing **Abstract**: This talk presents natural language processing (NLP) projects to enhance clinical data repository at the University of Florida Health, focusing on the development and application of NLP pipelines for various medical determinants of health and social determinants of health. This talk will also provide introduction to the UF Health clinical data repository and the OneFlorida+ clinical research network. **Bio**: Dr. Wu is an Associate Professor in the College of Medicine, Department of Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics, at the University of Florida. He also serves as the Director of Natural Language Processing at the University of Florida (UF) Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and OneFlorida+ Clinical Research Consortium. Dr. Wu’s research across computer science and biomedical informatics focuses on natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, predictive modeling, and drug repurposing. ==== Recording ==== [[https://ohdsiorg.sharepoint.com/sites/Workgroup-NLPNaturalLanguageProcessing/Shared%20Documents/General/Recordings/Meeting%20in%20_General_-20221109_100120-Meeting%20Recording.mp4?web=1 | Click here]]