===== Cost, Utilization, Economics and Service Workgroup ===== ====Objectives:==== - To develop specifications for methods and software that maybe used for healthcare resource utilization and costs analysis. - To augment standard OHDSI tools with ability to support health economic, health insurance, actuarial, and financial use cases ===Audience:=== Our special focus is on health economics, health insurance, actuarial and financing use cases that have not been the traditional strong suite of OHDSI. **Workgroup Leads:** [[https://www.ohdsi.org/who-we-are/collaborators/gowtham-rao/|Gowtham Rao]], [[http://forums.ohdsi.org/t/welcome-to-ohdsi-please-introduce-yourself/704/230|Dave Kern]] **Workgroup Members:** [[projects:workgroups:cost-wg:members|Participants]] [[http://forums.ohdsi.org/users/SCYou/|Seng Chan You]] **Meetings:** Every ...: ===Important Links=== **[[http://forums.ohdsi.org/t/workgroup-for-cost-utilization-economic-services/3976|Forum discussion]]**