====== LDL Levels vs Statin Intensity as a Predictor of Adverse Cardiac Events====== **Objective:** The goal of our study is to evaluate practice-based evidence from to determine whether achieved LDL or statin intensity status is most important in predicting adverse health outcomes. **Rationale:** Recommendations from the 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk have had a controversial reception. Questions remain as to whether statins possess an intrinsic beneficial quality above and beyond their reduction of LDL levels, and thus should be maximized regardless of LDL level. Studies are also conflicting as to whether LDL reduction using drugs other than a statin will achieve equivalent results in terms of cardiovascular protection. **Project Lead(s):** Nigam Shah, Jon Duke [others pending] **Coordinating Institution(s):** Stanford University ** Additional Participants:** //// **Full Protocol:** //// **Initial Proposal Date:** **Launch Date:** //// **Study Closure Date: ////** **Results Submission:** //// ===== Requirements ===== **CDM:** //// **Table Accessed:** //// **Database Dialects:** SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle **Software:** //<// ===== Code ===== [[https://github.com/OHDSI/StudyProtocols]] ===== Discussion ===== //Post a thread letting everyone know about this new proposed study at [[http://forums.ohdsi.org/c/researchers]]// ===== Datasets Run ===== * ~~NOTOC~~