Overall Structure of vocabulary is meets criteria described here: http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=documentation:vocabulary:drug

All the drug concepts have only relationship_id = 'Maps to' relates to RxNorm Extended or RxNorm concepts

RxNorm and RxNorm extended concept then have all usual relationships and drug_strenght tables (between Ingredient and Drug, Brand Name and Branded Drug and other)

1. Ingredients
all Ingredients and VTMs Maps to RxNorm or RxNorm Extension Ingredients if there is VTM containing several ingredients, we map them to each ingredient

18035211000001104 Co-dydramol -> 1125315 Acetaminophen (RxNorm)
18035211000001104 Co-dydramol -> 1189596 dihydrocodeine (RxNorm)

–example with RxNorm Extension when it will be build

some ingredients don't have exact mapping because RxNorm uses more precise version, like

10157211000001104 Melissa extract -> 44507591 Melilotus indicus whole extract 1
10157211000001104 Melissa extract -> 42904087 Melilotus officinalis top extract 2
10157211000001104 Melissa extract -> 42899425 Melissa officinalis extract 3
10157211000001104 Melissa extract -> 46234336 Melissa officinalis flowering top extract 4

then anlysing drugs containing these ingredients we find out wich ingredient RxNorm uses more often –can give an example only after script run

2. Concept Classes
Original dm+d classes (VTM, AMP, AMPP, etc.) are placed in column source_concept_class_id. Concept_class_id is standardized and defined by the rules described here: http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=documentation:vocabulary:drug

3. Brand Names
Dm+d doesn't provide Brand Name as a separate concept, so we parsed drug descriptions in order to get Brand names. We use here not a clear Brand Name but any Name differs from Dose Form and Ingredient but used as a part of Drug name by Supplier, for example relationship_id = 'RxNorm has ing'

Boots Cold and Flu Relief with Ibuprofen tablets (The Boots Company Plc) -> "Boots Cold and Flu Relief with Ibuprofen",
Aquasol A Parenteral 100,000units/2ml solution for injection vials (Imported (United States)) -> Aquasol A Parenteral
Vastarel MR 35mg tablets (Imported (France)) -> "Vastarel MR" 
Stromectol 3mg tablets (Imported (France)) 20 tablet ->  RxNorm ing of-> Stromectol 

– add example of RxNorm extension Brand Name concept when it'll be done

4. Drug Packs:
built Drug Packs with RxNorm like relationships

5. Devices
Dm+d vocabulary contains devices such as bandages, syringes, food supplements, etc. Please see http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=documentation:vocabulary:domains for Domain rules definition. Devices don't have RxNorm Extension equivalents and relationships, they present in OMOP vocabulary as standard concepts

6. Supplier
Supplier info added, made relationships between Marketed Drug Product and Supplier: relationships 'Has supplier' и 'Supplier of' as discribed and between Marketed Drug Product and related Drug-concept relationship_id in ('Has marketed form', 'Marketed form of')

7. Drug_strength issues
Most part of the drugs are parsed into ds_stage and then into drug_strenght tables but some of them can't be, some examples of these unparsable drugs No dosage given:

Generic Glucosamine QCV tablets 
Generic ARTISS solution for sealant 2ml pre-filled syringes 

Concentration is given not for all ingredients:

Dithranol 0.4% in Zinc and Salicylic acid paste, 
Apple mistletoe 1mg/1ml with Copper carbonate solution for injection ampoules. 
Concentration given is useless
Generic Resolve effervescent granules 8.09g sachets

actually contains combination of Paracetamol, Ascorbic acid, Sodium bicarbonate, Potassium bicarbonate, Citric acid, Sodium carbonate, so this 8.09g is totally useless in purpose of drug_strenght building

8. Percents recalculation mostly is obvious, but
sometimes they don't give exact quantitative factor info so define it by the Drug form, for example “Avoca 95% silver nitrate applicators (Bray Group Ltd) 100 applicator 10 x 10 applicators” and this is “95% w/w (weight / weight) silver nitrate pencil ” , in other words 0,95 mg / mg.