Cost Table Changes (Add Person_id, Dates and normalize)

Proposals are now being tracked as github issues

link to github issue

Proposal Owner: Gowtham Rao, Chris Knoll, Klaus Bonadt


Cost table description:

Proposal overview:

  1. Add person_id
  2. Add billed_datetime and paid_datetime
  3. Change Cost table structure - to “normalized” version

1. Add Person_id to Cost table

2. Add incurred_date, incurred_datetime, billed_datetime, paid_datetime:

Use cases:

Analytic questions:


Consequence of doing it:

Consequences of not doing it:

3. Leverage cost_type_concept_id and remove cost type columns

Field Required Type Description
cost_id Yes integer A unique identifier for each COST record.
person_id Yes integer A unique identifier for each person.
cost_event_id Yes integer A foreign key identifier to the event (e.g. Measurement, Procedure, Visit, Drug Exposure, etc) record for which cost data are recorded.
cost_domain_id Yes integer The concept id representing the domain of the cost event, from which the corresponding table can be inferred that contains the entity for which cost information is recorded.
cost_type_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key identifier to a concept in the CONCEPT table for the provenance or the source of the COST data: Calculated from insurance claim information, provider revenue, calculated from cost-to-charge ratio, reported from accounting database, etc.
currency_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key identifier to the concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar.
total_cost Yes float The actual financial cost amount
incurred_date Yes date The first date of service of the clinical event as in table capturing the information (e.g. date of visit, date of procedure, date of condition, date of drug etc).
incurred_datetime No datetime
billed_datetime No datetime The date and time a bill was generated for a service or encounter
paid_datetime No datetime The date and time payment was received for a service or encounter
revenue_code_concept_id No integer A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies for Revenue codes.
drg_concept_id No integer A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies for DRG codes.
revenue_code_source_value No string(50) The source code for the Revenue code as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.
drg_source_value No string(50) The source code for the 3-digit DRG source code as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.