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It is much faster to use Spring-boot run build goal to launch the embedded tomcat container in a Spring-boot application than to use the standard NetBeans approach of packaging and (re)-deploying the application in the tomcat server on each build. The Spring-boot run approach takes under 40 secs to launch the application.

Below is an example of creating a custom build goal to launch the Spring-boot run embedded tomcat container for the WebAPI services running on a Postgresql database. It is a similar approach for other databases (specify a different database profile and connection string details).

NetBeans IDE WebAPI Project Configuration

  • Right-click on the project (WebAPI)
  • Choose Custom and then Goals…
  • in the “Run maven” dialog box that appears enter the following:


org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:1.2.1.RELEASE:run “-Ddatasource.url=jdbc:postgresql:<databaseserver>:5432/<database>?user=<user>&password=<password>” “-Dflyway.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql:<databaseserver>:5432/<database>?user=<user>&password=<password>”




datasource.username=<user> datasource.password=<password> datasource.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver datasource.dialect=postgresql datasource.cdm.database=<cdm database> datasource.cohort.schema=<ohdsi database schema> datasource.cdm.schema=unrestricted datasource.ohdsi.schema=ohdsi flyway.datasource.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver flyway.datasource.username=<username> flyway.datasource.password=<password> flyway.locations=classpath:db/migration/postgresql flyway.schemas=ohdsi


if you want this custom goal to launch in debug mode then include the following property with the above list of properties


Check the “Remember as” checkbox and save the new custom build goal with a name like 'spring-boot run postgresql' or 'DEBUG spring-boot run postgresql' if you included the above jpda.listen=maven property to launch in debug mode.

Click OK to save the new goal.

Running the custom build goal in the NetBeans IDE

  • Right-click on the project (WebAPI)
  • Choose Custom and then choose the custom goal that you saved in the above project configuration step

The application build will start.


If you are debugging you can use the regular debugging buttons at the top of the IDE to step through the code.

To stop running or debugging the application, click on the small red stop button on the left of the messages window in the lower center region of the IDE. The button says “stop the currently executing build” if you hover over it with your mouse.

development/optimizing_spring_builds_in_netbeans.1425513775.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/05 00:02 by lee