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projects:workgroups:fhir-wg [Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics]

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FHIR Workgroup

Objective: To establish the roadmap for the OHDSI FHIR integration and to make recommendations to the broader community for leveraging the FHIR implementation and data in EHR community for the OHDSI-based observation studies and for disseminating the OHDSI data and research results through the FHIR-based tools and APIs.


  • To develop consensus on standardized mappings between OHDSI CDM and FHIR resources
  • To identify existing preliminary work in terms of the FHIR OHDSI integration
  • To discuss the standard extension of the OHDSI CDM handling additional data needs from FHIR

Project Leads: Jon Duke, Guoqian Jiang, Please add here if you would like to help lead

Project Co-Leads: Richard Starr, Myung Choi, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Please add here if you would like to help lead

Start Date: March 15, 2017

Repository: https://github.com/ohdsi-fhir

Additional Information: HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is emerging as a next generation standards framework for facilitating health care and electronic health records-based data exchange. A number of major EHR vendors (e.g., Epic) have adopted the FHIR standard and this provides great opportunities to enable better use of EHR data for the OHDSI community. In addition, FHIR provides a standards-based framework based on the RESTful architecture that can be leveraged for disseminating the OHDSI data and research results.


Participants: Please add your name and email to this membership list below if you would like to participate

Schedule: OHDSI FHIR WG Monthly Meeting

November Meeting: (TBD)

Call in Number:

To join teleconference:

USA & Canada: Global Crossing number: 866-365-4406 Access code: 2661327


0800941635 (Toll Free) 
0174180780 (Toll)  


08001014540 (Toll Free) 
030700150718 (Toll) 


08004960580 (Toll Free) 
02079040085 (Toll) 


8008190377 (Toll Free) 
4006208036 (Toll) 

Other International Numbers - FHIR WG


To join web conference: https://www.callinfo.com/prt?host=globalcrossing&an=8663654406&ac=2661327 Global Crossing number: 8663654406 Access code: 2661327

Members of the OHDSI FHIR Workgroup

First name Last name Email Institute
Jon Duke Jon.Duke@gatech.edu Georgia Tech
Guoqian Jiang jiang.guoqian@mayo.edu Mayo Clinic
Richard Starr rstarr7@gatech.edu Georgia Tech
Myung Choi Myung.Choi@gtri.gatech.edu Georgia Tech
Eric Prud'hommeaux eric@w3.org W3C/MIT
Karthik Natarajan kn2174@cumc.columbia.edu Columbia University
Taha Abdul-Basser ? ?
mitra rocca ? ?
haisheng wang edwin_uestc@163.com Juding Shenzhen
Tom Wilson ? ?
Gowtham Rao gowtham.rao@gmail.com ?
Frank DeFalco ? ?
Kavishwar Wagholikar KWAGHOLIKAR@mgh.harvard.edu Harvard Medical School
Michael Kahn Michael.Kahn@ucdenver.edu ?
Daniella Meeker dmeeker@usc.edu ?
Sigfried Gold sigfried@sigfried.org Human-Computer Interaction Lab, iSchool, University of Maryland
Evanette Burrows burrowse@email.chop.edu Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Meeting Notes

projects/workgroups/fhir-wg.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/08 21:33 by gjiang