Standardized Vocabularies

THIS IS OUTDATED. All documentation is now on the github wiki. Please refer there or to the CDM working group for more information

These tables contain detailed information about the Concepts used in all of the CDM fact tables. The content of the Standardized Vocabularies tables is not generated anew by each CDM implementation. Instead, it is maintained centrally as a service to the community.

A number of assumptions were made for the design of the Standardized Vocabularies tables:

The advantage of this approach lies in the preservation of codes and relationships between them without adherence to the multiple different source data structures, a simple design for standardized access, and the optimization of performance for analysis. Navigation among Standard Concepts does not require knowledge of the source vocabulary. Finally, the approach is scalable and future vocabularies can be integrated easily. On the other hand, extensive transformation of source data to the Vocabulary is required and not every source data structure and original source hierarchy can be retained.

Below is an entity-relationship diagram highlighting the tables within the Vocabulary portion of the OMOP Common Data Model:

Standardized Vocabularies entity-relationship diagram