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development:best_practices_estimation [2016/04/20 09:15]
development:best_practices_estimation [2016/07/15 11:44]
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   * **Transparency**:​ others should be able to reproduce your study in every detail using the information you provide.   * **Transparency**:​ others should be able to reproduce your study in every detail using the information you provide.
   * **Prespecify** what you're going to estimate and how: this will avoid hidden multiple testing (fishing expeditions,​ p-value hacking). Run your analysis only once.   * **Prespecify** what you're going to estimate and how: this will avoid hidden multiple testing (fishing expeditions,​ p-value hacking). Run your analysis only once.
   * **Validation of your analysis**: you should have evidence that your analysis does what you say it does (showing that statistics that are produced have nominal operating characteristics (e.g. p-value calibration),​ showing that specific important assumptions are met (e.g. covariate balance), using unit tests to validate pieces of code, etc.)   * **Validation of your analysis**: you should have evidence that your analysis does what you say it does (showing that statistics that are produced have nominal operating characteristics (e.g. p-value calibration),​ showing that specific important assumptions are met (e.g. covariate balance), using unit tests to validate pieces of code, etc.)
 ===== Best practices (generic) ===== ===== Best practices (generic) =====
 +  * **Write a full protocol**, and make it public prior to running the study. This should include
 +    * Research question + hypotheses to be tested
 +    * Which method(s), data, cohort definitions. ​
 +    * What is the primary analyses and what are sensitivity analyses?
 +    * Quality control
 +    * Amendments and Updates
- +  * **Validate** all code used to produce estimates. The purpose of validation is to ensure the code is doing what we require it to do. Possible options are:
-  ​Make all analysis code available as open source  +
- +
-  ​* Validate all code used to produce estimates. Possible options are+
     * Unit testing     * Unit testing
     * Simulation     * Simulation
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     * Code review     * Code review
-  * Include negative controls (exposure-outcome pairs where we believe there is no effect) ​+  * Include ​**negative controls** (exposure-outcome pairs where we believe there is no effect) ​
-  * Produce calibrated p-values+  * Produce ​**calibrated p-values**
 +  * Make all analysis code available as **open source** so others can easily replicate your study
 ===== Best practices (new-user cohort design) ===== ===== Best practices (new-user cohort design) =====
 +  * Use **propensity scores** (PS)
 +  * Build PS model using **regularized regression** and a **large set of candidate covariates** (as implemented in the CohortMethod package)
 +  * Use either **variable-ratio matching** or **stratification** on the PS
 +  * **Compute covariate balance** after matching for all covariates, and terminate study if a covariate has standardized difference > 0.2 
 ===== Best practices (self-controlled case series) ===== ===== Best practices (self-controlled case series) =====
 +  * Include a **risk window just prior to start of exposure** to detect time-varying confounding (e.g. contra-indications,​ protopathic bias)
 +===== Best practices ((nested) case-control) =====
-  * Include ​risk window just prior to start of exposure to detect time-varying confounding (e.g. contra-indications,​ protopathic bias)+  * **Don'​t** do case-control study
development/best_practices_estimation.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/09 05:18 by schuemie