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documentation:international_drugs [2019/07/22 16:25]
documentation:international_drugs [2019/07/24 14:09]
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 The processing script that follows these instructions can be found [[https://​​OHDSI/​Vocabulary-v5.0/​tree/​master/​RxNorm_E|here]]. The processing script that follows these instructions can be found [[https://​​OHDSI/​Vocabulary-v5.0/​tree/​master/​RxNorm_E|here]].
-==== Combined target structure ==== 
-To incorporate a new set of drug information,​ a structure should be achieved that contains every Concept only once and preserves the RxNorm structure, no matter which vocabulary the additional Concept is coming from. This means that for each source drug concept a standard concept that follows RxNorm logic is created and correctly placed inside a hierarchy. In a way, it should create a mixed RxNorm/drug vocabularies union. 
-In order to achieve this, any two equivalent Concepts have to be matched through its components: Ingredients to Ingredients,​ Forms to Forms, Supplier to Supplier, etc. Concepts are defined as matching if all components match. For example, a Clinical Drug matches another Clinical Drug if it contains the same Ingredients at the same strength and the same Dose Form.  
-For specifics, see [[:​implementation_international_drug_vocabulary|International drugs vocabulary implementation process]] 
 ==== General structure ==== ==== General structure ====
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 The Concepts are connected through hierarchical and lateral relationships. The Concepts are connected through hierarchical and lateral relationships.
 +==== Combined target structure ====
 +To incorporate a new set of drug information,​ a structure that contains every Concept only once and preserves the RxNorm structure, no matter which vocabulary the additional Concept is coming from should be achieved. This means that for each source drug concept a standard concept that follows RxNorm logic is created and correctly placed inside a hierarchy. In a way, it should create a mixed RxNorm/drug vocabularies union.
 +In order to achieve this, any two equivalent Concepts have to be matched through its components: Ingredients to Ingredients,​ Forms to Forms, Supplier to Supplier, etc. Concepts are defined as matching if all components match. For example, a Clinical Drug matches another Clinical Drug if it contains the same Ingredients at the same strength and the same Dose Form. 
 +For specifics, see [[:​implementation_international_drug_vocabulary|International drugs vocabulary implementation process]]
 ==== Rules for adding Concepts ==== ==== Rules for adding Concepts ====
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 === Result === === Result ===
-All records in the DRUG_CONCEPT_STAGE table are written to the CONCEPT_STAGE table as follows. The standard_concept field is set to '​S'​ for all products and Ingredients and Brand Names that have no match to existing Standard Concepts. Dose Forms, Brand Names and Suppliers are always written as non-standard. 
-All records linking ​drug products ​to their Ingredients,​ Dose Forms, Suppliers and Brand Names are written ​to the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP_STAGE tableNote that this can be a one or two step connection:+Concepts belonging to source ​drug vocabularies have '​Maps ​to' relations ​to standard concepts in RxNorm and RxNorm Extension vocabularies.
- * Ingredients,​ Dose Forms, Suppliers and Brand Names that have no equivalent to RxNorm (and are therefore Standard Concepts): These are converted from the INTERNAL_RELATIONSHIP_STAGE ​table. ​ +Equivalence relationship to valid non-standard concepts (like Brand Names and Dose formsis indicated by entry in CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP ​table with RELATIONSHIP_ID = '​Source - RxNorm eq'Such relations are built for attributes like Dose Forms and Brand Names.
- * Ingredients, ​Dose Forms and Brand Names that have an RxNorm equivalent (at least one) are not written into the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP_STAGE table, but the RxNorm equivalent instead, using the records from the RELATIONSHIP_TO_CONCEPT table with the relationship_id = 'Has standard ing', 'Has standard brand' and 'Has standard form' ​.+
 Relationships between Drug Products or derivatives (Drug Forms and Components) are connected through CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP_STAGE records with the the following relationship_id values: Relationships between Drug Products or derivatives (Drug Forms and Components) are connected through CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP_STAGE records with the the following relationship_id values:
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 Relationships between any Drug Concept Class and a Classfication Concept Class is recorded through the "Drug has drug class" and "Drug class of drug" generic relationship pair. Relationships between any Drug Concept Class and a Classfication Concept Class is recorded through the "Drug has drug class" and "Drug class of drug" generic relationship pair.
-Finally, a new DRUG_STRENGTH_STAGE table should be created from DS_STAGE and the the unit conversions ​in RELATIONSHIP_TO_CONCEPTso the content can be added to the DRUG_STRENGTH ​table. This includes only Drug Concepts ​that have no mapping to an existing Standard Concept ​and are now Standard themselves.+** Inferring of missing Concept Classes ** 
 +After RxNorm Extension Standard concept with the fullest attribute set is created ​for each source entity, all missing preceding Concept Classes are inferred ​from the existing ones, from bottom upwards.  
 +^Concept Class^Defined by^ 
 +|Clinical Drug Component|Ingredient-strength. Note that Clinical Components are always single-Ingredient. This is in contrast to all other Concept Classes| 
 +|Branded Drug Component|Ingredient-strength(s)Brand Name| 
 +|Clinical Drug Form|Ingredient(s),​ Dose Form| 
 +|Branded Drug Form|Ingredient(s),​ Dose Form, Brand Name| 
 +|Clinical Drug|Ingredient-strength(s),​ Dose Form| 
 +|Branded Drug|Ingredient-strength(s),​ Dose Form, Brand Name| 
 +|Quantified Clinical Drug|Ingredient-strength(s),​ Dose Form, Quantity| 
 +|Quantified Branded Drug|Ingredient-strength(s),​ Dose Form, Brand Name, Quantity| 
 +|Clinical Drug Box|Ingredient-strength(s),​ Dose Form, Box size| 
 +|Branded Drug Box|Ingredient-strength(s),​ Dose Form, Brand Name, Box size| 
 +|Quantified Clinical Box|Ingredient-strength(s),​ Dose Form, Quantity, Box size| 
 +|Quantified Branded Box|Ingredient-strength(s),​ Dose Form, Brand Name, Quantity, Box size| 
 +Even though all drug classes are inferred, only those will be written ​to the CONCEPT ​table that have no mapping to an existing ​equivalent ​Standard Concept.
documentation/international_drugs.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/02 12:35 by jcruz