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documentation:next_cdm:visualization [2017/01/30 14:56]
cgreich [Vocabulary/Population Visualization Working Group]
documentation:next_cdm:visualization [2017/01/31 15:14] (current)
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 ===== Vocabulary/​Population Visualization Working Group ===== ===== Vocabulary/​Population Visualization Working Group =====
-  - overall goals: +Work on this has moved to its own working group for now: http://​​web/​wiki/​doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:vocab-viz
-    - make individual OHDSI vocabularies more approachable +
-    - facilitate understanding of OHDSI'​s vocabularies and concepts, relationships between them, and their prevelance in a specific CDM +
-    - facilitate translation from individual source concepts for cohort or phenotype definition and for ETL work +
-    - facilitate development or translation of concept sets +
-    - provide tools and interface for classification/​granularity selection in other contexts (e.g., patient profiles) +
-    - towards these ends:  +
-      - develop detailed requirements,​ designs, and prototypes +
-      - implement in ATLAS if and when resources are available +
-  - use cases: +
-    - source(s) to target(s):​ +
-      - find mapped or matching codes, classification or standard +
-      - in target code(s) selected, see which source codes are added or left out and counts of corresponding patient records +
-    - explore the whole set of OHDSI vocabularies:​ +
-      - in general +
-      - only for concepts in user's CDM +
-      - for a specific domain: +
-        - e.g., provider specialty, show record counts for all values including zero counts for specialties not used; maybe also show corresponding source values and source values that weren'​t able to be mapped to a target. (provider.specialty_concept_id,​ provider.specialty_source_value,​ provider.specialty_source_concept_id,​ care_site.specialty_concept_id,​ care_site.specialty_source_value) +
-      - to better understand relationships between source and target domains +
-      - to better understand classifications available +
-    - find a concept: +
-      - have immediate feedback ​on CDM records with concept +
-      - see relationships ​to other concepts and be encouraged to assure one has chosen correctly +
-    - define a cohort or phenotype:​ +
-      - translate existing phenotype definition (e.g., set of ICD-9 codes for some condition) from a source vocabulary into a target vocabulary +
-    - explore my popupaltion:​ +
-      - overall +
-      - in terms of some domain +
-      - defining a subpopulation (same as 1) +
-      - intersecion of subpopulations +
-    - Patrick'​s SNOMED navigation strategy:  +
-      - using related concepts filter on Class, choose Has ancestor of from Relationship facet, filter on Distance facet +
-    - compare vocabulary version as per [[http://​​t/​new-vocabulary-population-visualization-working-group/​2187/​17?​u=sigfried_gold|Peter'​s post]] +
-  - notes and to-dos: +
-    - other systems to get ideas from: +
-      - http://​​ +
-      - http://​​ +
-      - http://​​ +
-      - http://​​Research/​Nodetrix +
-    - javascript libraries to consider using: +
-      - https://​​examples/​ +
-    - to-dos: +
-      - integrate ERD maybe: +
-        - http://​​web/​wiki/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?media=documentation:omop_cdm_v5_erd.pdf +
-      - source record count: +
-        ​show these as existing in cdm but not available through query +
-        - also show ancestor concepts with their descendant record counts +
-        - only show classification concepts that have a descendant record count +
-      - default to showing 4 main domains (condition, drug, procedure, measurement)+
documentation/next_cdm/visualization.1485788213.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/30 14:56 by cgreich