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documentation:software:heracles [2015/04/09 20:02]
documentation:software:heracles [2015/04/23 16:36] (current)
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 **Requirements** **Requirements**
-  * Data in OMOP CDM v5 +  * Data in OMOP CDM v4/v5 
-  * [[https://​​OHDSI/​WebAPI|WebAPI]] installed and running +  * COHORT and COHORT_DEFINITION tables (or other tables following the OMOP V5 cohort table format) 
-  * Populated Cohort and Cohort Definition tables (or other tables following the OMOP V5 Cohort table format)+ 
 +  * Install [[documentation:​software:​olympus|OLYMPUS]] 
 +  * Advanced users may reference ​[[https://​​OHDSI/​Heracles/|Heracles on Github]] for custom installation instructions
 **Use** **Use**
-  ​Select a Cohort from the Heracles dropdown. ​ This will include all cohorts in your cohort definition table.+  ​Select a Cohort from the Heracles dropdown. ​ This will include all cohorts in your cohort definition table. 
 +{{ :​documentation:​software:​screen_shot_2015-04-09_at_4.04.07_pm.png |}} 
 +  * Select analyses individually (as listed below) or as part of a report package (bundle of analyses that will enable Heracles to build a particular visual report of a particular area of interest (e.g., drug exposure)). 
 +{{ :​documentation:​software:​screen_shot_2015-04-09_at_3.59.19_pm.png |}} 
 +Optional parameters include 
 +  * Specific concept ID's to run for conditions, drugs, procedures, observations,​ and measurements 
 +  * Small Cell Count (minimum number of patients to return for any category) 
 +  * Run Heracles Heel for data quality analyses 
 +  * Limit the analyses to only events occurring within the Cohort Period (as opposed to all events for patients in the cohort) 
 +  * Your analysis will be sent to the Job Manager. ​ If running Olympus, check there for completion status. ​ Or if not in Olympus, use the link provided by Heracles to check it manually. 
-{{ :​documentation:​software:​screen_shot_2015-04-09_at_3.59.19_pm.png?​300 |}}+**Heracles Viewer**
-  - Select analyses individually (as listed below) or as part of a report package(bundle of analyses that will enable Heracles to build a particular visual report of a particular area of interest (e.g., drug exposure)). 
-  - Optionally select specific concept ID's to run for conditions, drugs, procedures, observations,​ and measurements (default will run all concept IDs)  
-  - Optionally set Small Cell Count (minimum number of patients to return for any category) 
-  - Optionally Run Heracles Heel for data quality analyses 
-  - Optionally limit the analyses to only events occurring within the Cohort Period (as opposed to all events for patients in the cohort) 
documentation/software/heracles.1428609743.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/09 20:02 by jduke