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documentation:software:hermes [2014/12/03 21:55]
frank_defalco [Screenshots]
documentation:software:hermes [2014/12/03 23:00]
Line 5: Line 5:
 Hermes is a web based tool that allows you to search and explore the current CDM Vocabulary database.  ​ Hermes is a web based tool that allows you to search and explore the current CDM Vocabulary database.  ​
-==== Scope and purpose ==== 
 +==== Overview ====
 +{{ :​documentation:​software:​hermes-overview.png?​nolink&​600 |}}
 +  -Search Box : Enter your search string here by clicking on the text box and typing or simply typing while your web browser window is selected.
 +  -Current Concept Name : Once you select a concept the name of the concept will appear here.
 +  -Related Concept Filters : A set of configurable options that provide user friendly prompts that set custom advanced filters to limit the concepts appearing in the related concept listing.
 +  -Related Concept Listing : A table containing concepts related to the current concept. ​ This list can be filtered using concept filters, advanced filters or the addition search box on the table itself.
-===== Installation and support ​=====+==== Installation and support ====
   ​   ​
 All source code and installation instructions available on Github: https://​​OHDSI/​HERMES All source code and installation instructions available on Github: https://​​OHDSI/​HERMES
documentation/software/hermes.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/12/03 23:00 by frank_defalco