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documentation:vocabulary:meddra [2020/07/21 06:33]
ptalapova created
documentation:vocabulary:meddra [2024/09/02 11:46] (current)
jcruz Depreciation of page and posting of corresponding link in Github wiki
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 ===== MedDRA ===== ===== MedDRA =====
-Medical Dictionary ​for Regulatory Activities(MedDRA) is a clinically validated international medical terminology thesaurus used by regulatory authorities and the biopharmaceutical industry during the regulatory process, from pre-marketing (clinical research phase 0 to phase 3) to post-marketing activities (pharmacovigilance or clinical research phase 4), and for safety information data entry, retrieval, evaluation, and presentationMoreover, it is the adverse event classification dictionary. +Thank you for visiting ​the wiki! This page has moved to https://​​OHDSI/​Vocabulary-v5.0/​wiki/​Vocab.-MedDRA.
- +
-==== Overall Structure ==== +
-The MedDRA dictionary is organized with a five-level hierarchy. The highest or broadest level is System Organ Class (SOC), further divided into High-Level Group Terms (HLGT), High-Level Terms (HLT), Preferred Terms (PT) and finally into the most granular Lowest Level Terms (LLT). Also, the MedDRA ​dictionary includes Standardised MedDRA Queries (SMQs). SMQs are groupings of terms that relate to a defined medical condition or area of interest. +
- +
-==== Domains ==== +
-^ domain_id ​   ^ count  ^ +
-| Condition ​   | 52487  | +
-| Measurement ​ | 10096  | +
-| Observation ​ | 1962   | +
-| Procedure ​   | 8533   | +
- +
-==== Concept classes ==== +
-^ concept_class_id ​ ^ count  ^ +
-| SOC               | 27     | +
-| HLGT              | 337    | +
-| HLT               | 1737   | +
-| PT                | 23708  | +
-| LLT               | 47269  |+
documentation/vocabulary/meddra.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/02 11:46 by jcruz