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documentation:vocabulary:mesh [2016/06/05 18:48]
documentation:vocabulary:mesh [2016/06/05 18:52]
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 ===== MeSH ===== ===== MeSH =====
-MeSH stands for Medical Subject Heading and is a vocabulary used for indexing articles for [[https://​​pubmed/​|PubMed]],​ the US National Library of Medicine (NLM'​s) bibliographic database of biomedical literature. ​+MeSH stands for Medical Subject Heading and is a vocabulary used for indexing articles for [[https://​​pubmed/​|PubMed]],​ the US National Library of Medicine (NLM'​s) bibliographic database of biomedical literature. Each abstract in Pubmed has a set of search keywords assigned to it that are relevant to the content of the publication. These keywords are organized in MeSH.
-MeSH is very large, and therefore only those Concepts are imported to the OMOP Standardized Vocabulary System that have a mapping to a Concept in one of the vocabularies RxNorm, SNOMED, CPT4 and HCPCS. This is in contrast to all other vocabularies,​ which are loaded completely, including legacy Concepts.+MeSH is very large, and therefore only those Concepts are imported to the OMOP Standardized Vocabulary System that have a mapping to a Standard ​Concept in one of the vocabularies RxNorm, SNOMED, CPT4 and HCPCS. This is in contrast to all other vocabularies,​ which are loaded completely, including legacy Concepts.
-The purpose of having MeSH Concepts in the OMOP Standard Vocabularies is exclusively for mapping scientific literature to relevant Standard Concepts ​and supporting ​research.+The purpose of having MeSH Concepts in the OMOP Standard Vocabularies is exclusively for mapping scientific literature to relevant Standard Concepts ​to support ​research.
 ==== Transformation ===== ==== Transformation =====
documentation/vocabulary/mesh.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/09/02 11:48 by jcruz