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projects:workgroups:early_stage_researchers [2021/04/20 15:18]
rwilliams created
projects:workgroups:early_stage_researchers [2021/11/02 14:47] (current)
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 Provide a welcoming low pressure environment to learn and develop presentation and leadership skills. The aim of this will be to accomplish this through practical means such as running projects. We also aim to facilitate members in their ability to contribute to other WGs within the OHDSI ecosystem. ​ Provide a welcoming low pressure environment to learn and develop presentation and leadership skills. The aim of this will be to accomplish this through practical means such as running projects. We also aim to facilitate members in their ability to contribute to other WGs within the OHDSI ecosystem. ​
-Project ​LeadTBC +Project ​LeadsFaaizah Arshad, Ross Williams
-Project Co-Lead: TBC 
 Meetings: ​ Meetings: ​
projects/workgroups/early_stage_researchers.1618931907.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/04/20 15:18 by rwilliams