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projects:workgroups:ohdsi_fhir_wg_use_cases [2017/05/17 20:03]
rstarr7 Added omop_on_fhir slideshow
projects:workgroups:ohdsi_fhir_wg_use_cases [2017/05/17 20:37] (current)
rstarr7 added omop mappings repo to GT section
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 ===== Georgia Tech ===== ===== Georgia Tech =====
-* Jon Duke’ team from Georgia Tech (We presented a poster on OMOP-FHIR last year at the symposium and have a GitHub repo for the GT-FHIR server to OMOP. https://​​gt-health/​GT-FHIR). ​ Here is a slideshow overview of the OMOP on FHIR system we are using at GT ({{:​projects:​workgroups:​omop_on_fhir.pptx|}} ).+* Jon Duke’ team from Georgia Tech (We presented a poster on OMOP-FHIR last year at the symposium and have a GitHub repo for the GT-FHIR server to OMOP. https://​​gt-health/​GT-FHIR ​and https://​​gt-health/​omop_etl_public ​).  Here is a slideshow overview of the OMOP on FHIR system we are using at GT ({{:​projects:​workgroups:​omop_on_fhir.pptx|}} ).
 ===== Mayo Clinic ===== ===== Mayo Clinic =====
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 * **Please add your use cases here** * **Please add your use cases here**
projects/workgroups/ohdsi_fhir_wg_use_cases.1495051396.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/17 20:03 by rstarr7