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projects:workgroups:wg_meeting_04132016 [2016/05/11 09:55]
projects:workgroups:wg_meeting_04132016 [2016/05/11 10:00] (current)
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         - Extend the note source value field to 255 varchar         - Extend the note source value field to 255 varchar
         - In terms of the type of service, LOINC ontology is very complicated,​ A flat architecture would be better for the current purpose. Comparison with another institution should be carried out.         - In terms of the type of service, LOINC ontology is very complicated,​ A flat architecture would be better for the current purpose. Comparison with another institution should be carried out.
-        - The note table in the OMOP CDM has a note type field with about 10 or so note types +        - Date is to be added to the table        -  
-        - +        - Include all NLP concepts into one table called Note_NLP/​Term_mention Table. This is an intermediate table that can then be linked to other tables in the CDM such as concept
         - Next steps:         - Next steps:
-          - Comparison of what aspects of LOINC is being used across different institutions. +          - Schedule another meeting in the following week to continue ​the discussion ​ 
-          - One of the deliverable is to build a system that can map the institutional note type to the LOINC note types. + 
-          - Update the note type field of the note table in OMOP CDM. Should a subset of LOINC document types be used for this purpose? this would depend on the real-world data from various institutions. +
-          - Ontologies such as CP, ICD-9 etc. that include more clinical terminologies should also be explored. +
-   - existing ontologies from Vanderbilt - Hua - {{:​projects:​workgroups:​|}} +
 ===Action Items=== ===Action Items===
-  - Suggestion for OMOP model regarding NLP output - Hua/​Noemie +  - Meeting next week to continue discussion ​
-  - 2016 OHDSI symposium - plan is to present the search engine, medical record viewer (a chart review tool) from Scott; any other suggestions?​+
   - Share strategies for combining data from different searches - Jon   - Share strategies for combining data from different searches - Jon
   - Wrappers for cTAKES and Metamap - Min   - Wrappers for cTAKES and Metamap - Min
projects/workgroups/wg_meeting_04132016.1462960527.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/11 09:55 by anu_gururaj1