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projects:workgroups:wg_meeting_12122017 [2017/12/13 21:39]
anu_gururaj2 created
projects:workgroups:wg_meeting_12122017 [2018/01/11 18:13] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 {{:​projects:​workgroups:​2017-12-13_14.03_ohdsi-nlp-wg.mp4|}} {{:​projects:​workgroups:​2017-12-13_14.03_ohdsi-nlp-wg.mp4|}}
 +Action items from the meeting:
 +  - Mapping of Note Types to LOINC/​standard vocabulary – Karthik Natarajan, Ruth Reeves, John Duke and Hua Xu will work together on this
 +  - Landscape Analysis of section identifier systems and proposal of a standard terminology for use – led by Hua Xu with help from Karthik Natarajan
 +  - Mapping of CUIs to standard terminology – led by Juan Banda
 +  - Rules for defining term_exists – start with George Hripsack’s definitions and define standard for each system – led by Stphane Meystre
 +  - Examples and rules for term_temporal – led by George Hripsack (Sunny)
 +  - Standardization of term_modifiers and values – led by Hua Xu
projects/workgroups/wg_meeting_12122017.1513201173.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/13 21:39 by anu_gururaj2