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projects:workgroups:wg_meeting_feb_09_2022 [2022/02/10 19:03]
vipina created
projects:workgroups:wg_meeting_feb_09_2022 [2022/03/08 22:16] (current)
Line 2: Line 2:
 **Agenda** **Agenda**
 + - Discuss and finalize the OKR's for 2022.
 +  - Discussion on the proposal for updating the NOTE_NLP table. Proposal draft link: https://​​document/​d/​1yjHFwYJN1Xz8QzrWN2uYPCLasmsZCDmF-bZKUNb_H7E/​edit?​usp=sharing
 +  - OHDSI NLP paper draft - current status
 +  - PASC study updates
projects/workgroups/wg_meeting_feb_09_2022.1644519804.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/02/10 19:03 by vipina