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research:marc_s_study [2017/03/27 18:36] (current)
maura_beaton created
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== <Your Study Name>​======
 +<WRAP box justify round>
 +**Objective:​** //<​summarize study objective>//​
 +**Rationale:​** //<​summarize study rationale>//​
 +**Project Lead(s):** //<​initial proposers, list may grow>//
 +**Coordinating Institution(s):​** //<your institution>//​
 +** Additional Participants:​** ​ //<​usually blank initially, list will grow as individuals are added who are not project leads>//
 +**Full Protocol:** //<if available, a link to protocol. ​ not necessary for initial planning>//​
 +**Initial Proposal Date:​**  ​
 +**Launch Date:​** ​ //<fill out once finalized>//​
 +**Study Closure Date:  //<fill out once finalized>//​**
 +**Results Submission:​** //<​method of sumission, eg. [[mailto:​|Email]] or SFTP>//
 +===== Requirements =====
 +**CDM:** //<V4 or V5 or both>//
 +**Table Accessed:​** ​ //<e.g., person, drug_exposure,​ observations>//​
 +**Database Dialects:** SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle
 +**Software:​** ​ //<<​e.g.,​ R>// ​
 +===== Code ===== 
 +===== Discussion ===== 
 +//Post a thread letting everyone know about this new proposed study at [[http://​​c/​researchers]]// ​
 +===== Datasets Run ===== 
 +  * <list your own datasets or leave blank>
research/marc_s_study.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/03/27 18:36 by maura_beaton