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resources:community_publications [2015/09/15 14:56]
resources:community_publications [2015/09/15 15:29] (current)
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 **September 2015** **September 2015**
 +Hripcsak G, Duke JD, Shah NH, Reich CG, Huser V, Schuemie MJ, Suchard MA, Park RW, Wong IC, Rijnbeek PR, van der Lei J, Pratt N, Norén GN, Li YC, Stang PE, Madigan D, Ryan PB. Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI): Opportunities for Observational Researchers. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;​216:​574-8.
 +Mor A, Frøslev T, Thomsen RW, Oteri A, Rijnbeek P, Schink T, Garbe E, Pecchioli S, Innocenti F, Bezemer I, Poluzzi E, Sturkenboom MC, Trifirò G, Søgaard M. Erratum to: Antibiotic use varies substantially among adults: a cross-national study from five European Countries in the ARITMO project. Infection. 2015 Sep 10. [[http://​​pubmed/​26358972|Link]]
 Boland MR, Shahn Z, Madigan D, Hripcsak G, Tatonetti NP. Birth month affects lifetime disease risk: a phenome-wide method. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Sep;​22(5):​1042-53. doi: 10.1093/​jamia/​ocv046. Boland MR, Shahn Z, Madigan D, Hripcsak G, Tatonetti NP. Birth month affects lifetime disease risk: a phenome-wide method. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Sep;​22(5):​1042-53. doi: 10.1093/​jamia/​ocv046.
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 **August 2015** **August 2015**
 +Freedman JL, Desai AV, Bailey LC, Aplenc R, Burnworth B, Zehentner BK, Teachey DT, Wertheim G. Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia in two pediatric patients. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2015 Aug 14. doi: 10.1002/​pbc.25694. ​
 Pratt N, Chan EW, Choi NK, Kimura M, Kimura T, Kubota K, Lai EC, Man KK, Ooba N, Park BJ, Sato T, Shin JY, Wong IC, Kao Yang YH, Roughead EE. Prescription sequence symmetry analysis: assessing risk, temporality,​ and consistency for adverse drug reactions across datasets in five countries. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2015 Aug;​24(8):​858-64. doi: 10.1002/​pds.3780. [[http://​​pubmed/?​term=Prescription+sequence+symmetry+analysis%3A+assessing+risk%2C+temporality%2C+and+consistency+for+adverse+drug+reactions+across+datasets+in+five+countries.|Link]] Pratt N, Chan EW, Choi NK, Kimura M, Kimura T, Kubota K, Lai EC, Man KK, Ooba N, Park BJ, Sato T, Shin JY, Wong IC, Kao Yang YH, Roughead EE. Prescription sequence symmetry analysis: assessing risk, temporality,​ and consistency for adverse drug reactions across datasets in five countries. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2015 Aug;​24(8):​858-64. doi: 10.1002/​pds.3780. [[http://​​pubmed/?​term=Prescription+sequence+symmetry+analysis%3A+assessing+risk%2C+temporality%2C+and+consistency+for+adverse+drug+reactions+across+datasets+in+five+countries.|Link]]
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 de Bie S, Coloma PM, Ferrajolo C, Verhamme KM, Trifirò G, Schuemie MJ, Straus SM, Gini R, Herings R, Mazzaglia G, Picelli G, Ghirardi A, Pedersen L, Stricker BH, van der Lei J, Sturkenboom MC; EU-ADR consortium. The role of electronic healthcare record databases in paediatric drug safety surveillance:​ a retrospective cohort study. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Aug;​80(2):​304-14. doi: 10.1111/​bcp.12610. de Bie S, Coloma PM, Ferrajolo C, Verhamme KM, Trifirò G, Schuemie MJ, Straus SM, Gini R, Herings R, Mazzaglia G, Picelli G, Ghirardi A, Pedersen L, Stricker BH, van der Lei J, Sturkenboom MC; EU-ADR consortium. The role of electronic healthcare record databases in paediatric drug safety surveillance:​ a retrospective cohort study. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Aug;​80(2):​304-14. doi: 10.1111/​bcp.12610.
 [[http://​​pubmed/​25683723|Link]] [[http://​​pubmed/​25683723|Link]]
 +FitzHenry F, Resnic FS, Robbins SL, Denton J, Nookala L, Meeker D, Ohno-Machado L, Matheny ME. Creating a Common Data Model for Comparative Effectiveness with the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership. Appl Clin Inform, 6(3), 536-547. [[http://​​en/​contents/​current-issue/​issue/​special/​manuscript/​24783/​show.html|Link]]
 **July 2015** **July 2015**
resources/community_publications.1442329012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/15 14:56 by maura_beaton