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documentation:vocabulary:snomed [2017/02/22 11:47]
documentation:vocabulary:snomed [2024/09/02 12:38] (current)
jcruz Depreciation of page and posting of corresponding link in Github wiki
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 ===== SNOMED-CT ===== ===== SNOMED-CT =====
-This documentation is not readyPlease don't read  +Thank you for visiting the wiki! This page has moved to https://​​OHDSI/​Vocabulary-v5.0/​wiki/​Vocab.-SNOMED.
- +
-==== Relationships ==== +
- +
-^SNOMED relationship^relationship_id in CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP^ +
-|Access|Has access| +
-|After|Occurs after| +
-|Approach|Has surgical appr -- looks like old version| +
-|Associated aetiologic finding|Has etiology| +
-|Associated finding|Has asso finding| +
-|Associated morphology|Has asso morph| +
-|Associated procedure|Has asso proc| +
-|Associated with|Finding asso with| +
-|AW|Finding asso with| +
-|Causative agent|Has causative agent| +
-|Caused by|Caused by| +
-|Clinical course|Has clinical course| +
-|Component|Has component| +
-|Direct device|Has dir device| +
-|Direct morphology|Has dir morph| +
-|Direct substance|Has dir subst| +
-|Discontinued indicator|Has disc indicator| +
-|Due to|Has due to| +
-|Episodicity|Has episodicity| +
-|Extent|Has extent| +
-|Finding context|Has finding context| +
-|Finding informer|Using finding inform| +
-|Finding method|Using finding method| +
-|Finding site|Has finding site| +
-|Flavour|Has flavor| +
-|Following|Followed by| +
-|Has active ingredient|Has active ing| +
-|Has AMP|Has AMP| +
-|Has ARP|Has ARP| +
-|Has basis of strength substance|Has basis str subst| +
-|Has definitional manifestation|Has manifestation| +
-|Has dispensed dose form|Has disp dose form| +
-|Has dose form|Has dose form| +
-|Has excipient|Has excipient| +
-|Has focus|Has focus| +
-|Has interpretation|Has interpretation| +
-|Has measured component|Has meas component| +
-|Has specific active ingredient|Has spec active ing| +
-|Has specimen|Has specimen| +
-|Has trade family group|Has trade family grp| +
-|Has VMP|Has VMP| +
-|Has VRP|Has VRP| +
-|Indirect device|Has indir device| +
-|Indirect morphology|Has indir morph| +
-|Instrumentation|Using device| +
-|Intent|Has intent| +
-|Interprets|Has interprets| +
-|Is a|Is a| +
-|Laterality|Has laterality| +
-|Legal category|Has legal category| +
-|Measurement method|Has measurement| +
-|Measurement Method|Has measurement -- looks like misspelling| +
-|Method|Has method| +
-|Morphology|Has morphology| +
-|Occurrence|Has occurrence| +
-|Onset|Has clinical course -- looks like old version| +
-|Part of|Has part of| +
-|Pathological process|Has pathology| +
-|Pathological process (qualifier value)|Has pathology| +
-|Priority|Has priority| +
-|Procedure context|Has proc context| +
-|Procedure device|Has proc device| +
-|Procedure morphology|Has proc morph| +
-|Procedure site|Has proc site| +
-|Procedure site - Direct|Has dir proc site| +
-|Procedure site - Indirect|Has indir proc site| +
-|Property|Has property| +
-|Recipient category|Has recipient cat| +
-|Revision status|Has revision status| +
-|Route of administration|Has route of admin| +
-|Route of administration - attribute|Has route of admin| +
-|Scale type|Has scale type| +
-|Severity|Has severity| +
-|Specimen procedure|Has specimen proc| +
-|Specimen source identity|Has specimen source| +
-|Specimen source morphology|Has specimen morph| +
-|Specimen source topography|Has specimen topo| +
-|Specimen substance|Has specimen subst| +
-|Stage|Has stage| +
-|Subject relationship context|Has relat context| +
-|Surgical approach|Has surgical appr| +
-|Temporal context|Has temporal context| +
-|Temporally follows|Occurs after| +
-|Time aspect|Has time aspect| +
-|Using access device|Using acc device| +
-|Using device|Using device| +
-|Using energy|Using energy| +
-|Using substance|Using subst| +
-|VMP prescribing status|VMP has prescr stat| +
-|VRP prescribing status|VRP has prescr stat| +
-|VMP non-availability indicator|Has non-avail ind| +
-|Precondition|Has precondition| +
-|Inherent location|Has inherent location| +
-|Technique|Has technique| +
-|Relative to part of|Has relative part| +
-|Process output|Has process output| +
-|Property type|Has property type| +
-|Inheres in|Inheres in| +
-|Direct site|Has direct site| +
-|Characterizes|Characterizes| +
- +
- +
-SNOMED ​relationship "​Associated with" needed to be bidirectional:​ Finding associated with, Associated with findingHowever, not all connect SNOMED Concepts of the class "​Finding",​ there are also those of the class "​Event"​+
documentation/vocabulary/snomed.1487764075.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/22 11:47 by dimshitc1