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OHDSI Research Studies

The mission of OHDSI is to generate high-quality evidence through observational research. A primary pathway by which this is accomplished is through collaborative research studies.


What is an OHDSI collaborative research study?

A study in which collaborators with data in CDM format run common analytic code to generate results that are then shared with the OHDSI community.

Will any patient-level data shared?

No. OHDSI studies produce only aggregate level statistics and analysis results.

Are IRB protocols provided?

Individual study proposals may include an IRB. However, several collaborators have had success with a CDM-based research Generic IRB Protocol. For individual studies that require custom IRBs, this may serve as a starter template as well.

How are collaborative research studies proposed?

What are the required elements?

Is there a project approval process?

How are projects executed at local sites?

How are results returned to the OHDSI community?

research/studies.1417900723.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/06 21:18 by jduke