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Meeting Notes August 27, 2019


  • We reviewed the vocabulary tasks from the workshop.
  • We made a decision on a convention for making a non-ambiguous reference between a 'Disease Episode' and 'Treatment. Convention: Populate parent_id of a ‘Treatment Episode’ with the ‘Disease Episode’ it is 'treating'.
  • For the symposium, we decided to skip all the ICDO codes that participate in multiple NAACCR schemas. Until we can create a mapping table to be used for handling ambiguous ICDO site/histology combinations present in multiple schemas. See here: See here for SQL to identify the ambiguous ICDO Site/Histology combinations:
documentation/oncology/meeting_notes_2019_aug-27.1566986418.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/28 10:00 by mgurley