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Meeting Notes June 19, 2019


Attendees: Rimma, Dmytry, Christian, Michael

We went over the backlog of milestone items to prepare us for beta testing. See here:

  • We discussed scoping NAACCR items to schemas. This is the requirement that all the necessary NAACCR items to diagnose a site/histology combination are linked to and represented within the OMOP vocabulary. Example: Gleason Score for prostate cancer; HER2 for Breast Cancer. And so on. Rimma argued that this is a feature that all oncology information models need to suport. Dmytry confirmed that this is not currently done in the staging NAACCR ingeston. Michael argued that it is important but expectational and not necessary for ETLing, so it can be done in the next version. Dmytry agreed to try to accomplish this for version one of ingestion but will defer it to the next version it is too much work. See here:
documentation/oncology/meeting_notes_2019_jul-02.1562151194.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/03 10:53 by mgurley