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How to get access

The OHDSI Nexus Maven Repository Server User Interface is here:

Anyone can search the OHDSI Nexus repository using the above URL without needing to log in.

For example, enter “sqlrender” in the search box and you will find the OHDSI sqlrender.jar artifact. In the search result page, click on the artifact name (e.g sqlrender.jar) and Nexus will display the maven XML info for the artifact. You can copy and paste that xml info into your maven POM.xml file.

If you need to add your own artifacts to the OHDSI Nexus repository then please request an OHDSI Nexus account by sending an email to

development/ohdsi_nexus_maven_repository.1476814224.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/18 18:10 by lee_evans