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Using OpenSSL to create an SSL Certificate

This page will detail how to use OpenSSL to create a Certificate Authority and how to generate a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate for use with a web server such as Apache Tomcat. This is useful when you need to use SSL on a local development machine. As a general rule of thumb, if you need an SSL certificate for use on either a production or non-production instance, you should contact your organization's IT team to obtain a certificate that will work properly in your environment.

Creating a Certificate Authority

The following link describes the steps for creating a Certificate Authority using OpenSSL. Read the introduction and follow the instructions that are detailed in create-the-root-pair and then create-the-intermediate-pair. For those using Windows, please note that

development/openssl.1478920991.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/12 03:23 by anthonysena