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This is an old revision of the document!

Please find the slides from the meeting below:


Please find the recording of the meeting below:

Action items updates:

  • Rules for defining term_exists - led by Stephane Meystre - COMPLETED
  • Mapping of CUIs to standard terminology - led by Juan Banda - COMPLETED, here's the link to the repo:
  • Mapping of Note Types to LOINC/standard vocabulary - Karthik Natarajan, Ruth Reeves, Jon Duke and Hua Xu will work together on this: Multiple note types sent to Jon. To be followed up.
  • Landscape Analysis of section identifier systems and proposal of a standard terminology for use - led by Hua Xu with help from Karthik Natarajan: SecTagger and section header ontology obtained from Vanderbilt. Need to figure out normalization.
  • Examples and rules for term_temporal - led by George Hripsack (Sunny): The CDM to be updated with the definition below:
    • If in the past, then term_temporal is PAST. And term exists has to also be positive. You never have term_exists=no with PAST.
    • If not in the past, then term_temporal is blank.
    • If it is from the same inpatient admission, that is not considered past, but still in the present.
    • More discussion needed on whether to merge term_exists and term_temporal into one variable, or to leave them apart.
  • Standardization of term_modifiers and values - led by Hua Xu: To define modifier list and normalized values for each modifier were the tasks. Initial review were from SHARPn modifiers (also used in cTAKES) and Wendy Chapman's group (
    • Should certainty be merged with negation? - in instances where the negation is not about certainty (existential/systemic), it would be better to keep them separate.
projects/workgroups/wg_meeting_11142018.1546978038.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/08 20:07 by anu_gururaj2