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Action Items
  1. Encourage members put their emails on the WG wiki page.
  2. Richard will share his slides on wiki
  3. each group will put their mappings and use cases on wiki pages as follows.
  1. Guoqian will follow up with Mitra for her CDM harmonization project
  2. Guoqian will reach out offline for agenda items next month
Meeting Notes
  1. [4/19/17, 12:13:10 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: notes:
  2. richard: presenting on Tue at the OHDSI call
  3. [4/19/17, 12:13:20 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … will get into F2F and projects
  4. [4/19/17, 12:13:33 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … right now we have two versions of OMOP-on-FHIR
  5. [4/19/17, 12:13:50 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … 1st was built ih-house – we can go back and forth to FHIR
  6. [4/19/17, 12:14:08 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … 2nd version is more widely applicable
  7. [4/19/17, 12:14:40 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … use cases: if you have an OMOP repo, want to drop in a FHIR server in front
  8. [4/19/17, 12:14:47 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … allows you to use FHIR apps
  9. [4/19/17, 12:15:26 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … 2nd: lots of interest in using FHIR to map from FHIR-enabled EHR to OMOP
  10. [4/19/17, 12:15:45 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we built some static staging tables and procedures wrapped around them.
  11. [4/19/17, 12:15:51 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we want it to work with CSV
  12. [4/19/17, 12:16:14 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … since we don't ahve a med school, we work with external data and have to be very flexible
  13. [4/19/17, 12:16:33 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we don't have MBI functions so we're relying on source value for uniquenless
  14. [4/19/17, 12:17:08 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … of course for each incoming feed, you need a custom uniqueness system (if yo udon't have an MPI)
  15. [4/19/17, 12:17:27 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … the main prob we have is mapping the FHIR Observation to multiple tables
  16. [4/19/17, 12:17:42 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … also had to extend omop to include demographics data
  17. [4/19/17, 12:18:12 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we have standardized rights and logic for pushing data into the tables
  18. [4/19/17, 12:18:36 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we need to handle real-time load from individual fhir sources that happne in real life
  19. [4/19/17, 12:18:59 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … from my perspective, we see lots of interest in leveraging for FHIR mapping to OMOP
  20. [4/19/17, 12:19:22 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … i didn't persue any new FHIR apps (sitting on top of an existing CDM)
  21. [4/19/17, 12:19:46 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … @@1 probably has a different POV 'cause he's involved in FHIR, not OMOP
  22. [4/19/17, 12:20:09 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: we developed a system with three componentns:
  23. [4/19/17, 12:20:19 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … .. web app for visualizing data
  24. [4/19/17, 12:20:25 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … .. emr for pulling data
  25. [4/19/17, 12:20:39 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … .. web api (developed by another group)
  26. [4/19/17, 12:20:49 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we used those for the F2F meeting
  27. [4/19/17, 12:21:31 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … assuming your EHR is FHIR-enabled, the GT-FHIR server has OMOP V5 has a backend DB
  28. [4/19/17, 12:21:48 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we have patients, medications, … to simulate the EHR
  29. [4/19/17, 12:22:20 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … i used a FHIR client to POST new data (medications) to the OMOP DB
  30. [4/19/17, 12:22:36 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … so it works as a FHIR-to-OMOP
  31. [4/19/17, 12:23:04 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … i can create lots of tables in OMOP (practitioner)
  32. [4/19/17, 12:23:23 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … i used all that to populate OMOP V5 and used the loaded server
  33. [4/19/17, 12:23:56 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we were really only involved in the dissemination group
  34. [4/19/17, 12:24:34 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: cali: Q re FHIR impl on OMOP: i understand that your FHIR server can read one patient data at a time?
  35. [4/19/17, 12:24:44 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … can it write to the OMOP db
  36. [4/19/17, 12:25:14 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: you can read by patient or search [across patients]
  37. [4/19/17, 12:25:22 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we write one resource at a time
  38. [4/19/17, 12:25:29 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … thinking about writing a bundle
  39. [4/19/17, 12:26:10 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: assuming existing patient
  40. [4/19/17, 12:26:19 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … otherwise we get NULLs in the CDM
  41. [4/19/17, 12:27:04 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: ericP: limited to one by the FHIR API?
  42. [4/19/17, 12:27:17 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: think we can write bundles
  43. [4/19/17, 12:27:35 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we've talked about developing a cohort, which would be a huge packet
  44. [4/19/17, 12:28:17 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: guoqian: when you load FHIR into OMOP, you created additional tables (beyond CDM)
  45. [4/19/17, 12:28:40 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we created F-Person (demographcics, address, contact info)
  46. [4/19/17, 12:28:52 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: OMOP has a location table as well
  47. [4/19/17, 12:29:30 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … so write Person/location info to the [CDM] IMOP location table
  48. [4/19/17, 12:29:50 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … if someone writes “street” and another writes “st”, that's a differetn addr
  49. [4/19/17, 12:29:58 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: that will come from the source value table
  50. [4/19/17, 12:30:42 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: if the FHIR resource has a reference, we can use that ID in the source column
  51. [4/19/17, 12:30:59 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … but if the address is in the FHIR, we can't merge it against existing location records
  52. [4/19/17, 12:31:13 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we can use USPS services for that
  53. [4/19/17, 12:31:30 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: guoqian: so the purpose is to capture all FHIR information?
  54. [4/19/17, 12:31:38 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: i think it's useful info.
  55. [4/19/17, 12:31:49 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … the search might include names.
  56. [4/19/17, 12:32:03 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … (OMOP is considered de-identified)
  57. [4/19/17, 12:32:17 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … but we're trying to support other tools beyond OHDSI
  58. [4/19/17, 12:32:37 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: we can use the Person ID has a name field
  59. [4/19/17, 12:33:01 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … those fields are not required in FHIR so nothing will break if they're not there.
  60. [4/19/17, 12:33:12 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … but there are tools that use them for [disambiugation?]
  61. [4/19/17, 12:33:50 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … if we can come up with a coding mapping, that would help people outside get interop
  62. [4/19/17, 12:34:23 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: guoqian: from hwat i understand, OHDSI has its one concept ID. do you transformation or allignment?
  63. [4/19/17, 12:34:37 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we use generic ETL procedures to do the translation
  64. [4/19/17, 12:35:06 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we've talked about serveral optionns for what to do when we want to e.g. back-translate from CDM to ICD-9/10
  65. [4/19/17, 12:35:29 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: our test env uses @@2
  66. [4/19/17, 12:35:43 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … the Vista EMR sends huge lists of different codings
  67. [4/19/17, 12:35:58 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … e.g. drugs: RxNorm/NDC
  68. [4/19/17, 12:36:12 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … so in our FHIR, we picked what we wanted
  69. [4/19/17, 12:36:33 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we can still do those translations firom …
  70. [4/19/17, 12:36:51 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … the VA way is good. if you put them all in, the user can pick their fave
  71. [4/19/17, 12:37:43 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … the prob we've had (last week): what if you don't map to the source concept, e.g. an item ID from MIMIC? do yo give them free text?
  72. [4/19/17, 12:38:01 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: guoqian:: need further discussion on two points:
  73. [4/19/17, 12:38:20 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … .. 1 collab on standard mappings between HFIR resources and OHDSI CDM
  74. [4/19/17, 12:38:40 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … .. 2 if we want to load FHIR into OHDSI CDM, what extesnions do we need?
  75. [4/19/17, 12:39:14 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we tried our best to do it in a new table so it wouldn't affect existing processes
  76. [4/19/17, 12:39:36 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: guoqian: at Mayo, we used NoSQL tech to store extension data
  77. [4/19/17, 12:39:47 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we're working with a Hadoop group
  78. [4/19/17, 12:39:57 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … but that's OMOP into Hadooop
  79. [4/19/17, 12:40:55 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: ericP: should we start with yours?
  80. [4/19/17, 12:41:17 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: my work needs OMOP review to consider my assumptions
  81. [4/19/17, 12:41:32 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we're using staging tables.
  82. [4/19/17, 12:41:45 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … i worked with different file structures from different providers
  83. [4/19/17, 12:42:11 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … so i tried to create standard staging tables for what i'd seen from differnent EHRs/claims systems
  84. [4/19/17, 12:42:40 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … so i think i've got the propor CDM process for them, but with the vocab changing and the mapping changing, i don't know if it's correct
  85. [4/19/17, 12:43:17 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: ericP: tests cases?
  86. [4/19/17, 12:43:28 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we use the MIMIC dataset for a lot of stuff
  87. [4/19/17, 12:43:45 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … that would allow us to see affects
  88. [4/19/17, 12:43:59 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … i'm not sure there's a consensus in the community about the proper mapping
  89. [4/19/17, 12:44:17 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … at the DC meeting, people were learning lots with each question
  90. [4/19/17, 12:44:59 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: from my (FHIR) side, there's too much flexibility and extensibility. breaks interop
  91. [4/19/17, 12:45:09 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we we still have to map FHIR to the staging table
  92. [4/19/17, 12:45:41 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … the OMOP side needs the right staging table and we need the right strategy table to map from FHIR to the staging table
  93. [4/19/17, 12:45:55 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we're more confortable working with the staging table
  94. [4/19/17, 12:46:48 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … so folks in the field, testing, clinical data, etc, it would help to eval our strategy
  95. [4/19/17, 12:54:25 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@3: Laurrie Phillips (dev) linked I2B2 to OMOP
  96. [4/19/17, 12:54:36 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … I2B2 is a star schema which can adapt to any data model
  97. [4/19/17, 12:54:59 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … deviated a bit from that to use the I2B2 cell to talk to an existing OMOP database
  98. [4/19/17, 12:55:09 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: ,,, we just put out a releas to test it out
  99. [4/19/17, 12:55:20 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … i've been working on the FHIR API over I2B2
  100. [4/19/17, 12:55:35 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we were tied to the default I2B2 model
  101. [4/19/17, 12:55:49 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … the focus was on running SmART apps on I2B2
  102. [4/19/17, 12:56:05 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … we're adapting that to the PicorNet data model
  103. [4/19/17, 12:56:29 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … limitation: reading, not writing
  104. [4/19/17, 12:56:36 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … … no population queries
  105. [4/19/17, 12:57:04 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: guoqian: we can consider yours an indeirect map (I2B2-FHIR and I2B2-OMOP)
  106. [4/19/17, 12:58:41 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: ericP: minimize imagination
  107. [4/19/17, 12:58:55 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: guoqian: aggregate approaches and then review details
  108. [4/19/17, 12:59:05 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@3: what does mapping mean?
  109. [4/19/17, 12:59:18 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … .. you can map to a Picornet, FHIR element
  110. [4/19/17, 12:59:32 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … .. but you can also translate the codes in the element
  111. [4/19/17, 1:00:53 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: richard: we had translations to CDM
  112. [4/19/17, 1:01:18 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … i had problems finding terminology mappings
  113. [4/19/17, 1:02:33 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: ericP: structural vs. open term mappings
  114. [4/19/17, 1:02:53 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: @@1: right, FHIR focuses on clinical workflow
  115. [4/19/17, 1:03:13 PM] Eric Prud'hommeaux: … my decision to ask if you'd use it in a workflow
projects/workgroups/ohdsi_fhir_wg_monthly_meeting_on_april_19_2017.1492639639.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/19 22:07 by gjiang