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Please find the slides from the meeting below:


Please find the recording of the meeting below:

Action items updates:

Ongoing Projects

  • Mapping of Note Types to LOINC/standard vocabulary – Karthik Natarajan, Ruth Reeves, and Jon Duke
  • Landscape Analysis of section identifier systems and proposal of a standard terminology for use – Hua Xu and Karthik Natarajan 
  • Mapping of CUIs to standard terminology – Juan Banda, need to add link to Juan's repo in the OHDSI NLP repo
  • Standardization of term_modifiers and values – Hua Xu
  • Evaluate and revise textual CDM tables by sharing practical issues and lessons learnt during ETL for processing textual data into CDM – Ruth Reeves: discussion about modifiers representation in the notes_NLP table, potentially have a separate modifiers table? key-value pairs of modifiers and their allowed values
  • Develop tools (within Atlas) to facilitate uses of NLP data for cohort building/phenotyping : Collaborate with eMERGE consortium
  • Conduct cross-site studies that use textual data
  • Continue developing other NLP resources


  1. OMOP Abstractor: AN NLP-aided Assisted Chart Abstraction Tool - Michael Gurley
projects/workgroups/wg_meeting_07102019.1562867767.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/11 17:56 by anu_gururaj2