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Hua Xu, Jon Duke, George Hripcsak, Nigam Shah, Noemie Elhadad, Karthik Natarajan, Anupama Gururaj


  1. IRB for use of clinical text
  2. Clinical text data storage and representation schema
  3. NLP tools/pipelines for ETL
  4. Use cases, e.g, phenotyping for cohort selection using NLP outputs
  5. Discussion


  1. IRB for use of clinical text
  2. Clinical text data storage and representation schema
  3. NLP tools/pipelines for ETL
  4. Use cases, e.g, phenotyping for cohort selection using NLP outputs
  5. Discussion
projects/workgroups/wg_meeting_11042015.1448898542.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/30 15:49 by anu_gururaj