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Hadoop Working Group

Objective: To provide community standards and computer code to enable organizations to implement the common data model and other OHDSI projects using big data open source projects such as Hadoop.

Demos, Documents & Meeting Logs: Demo's, Meeting Logs & other docs

Meeting Information: See below

Project Lead: Mui van Zandt

Project Manager: Meghan Nairn

Active Members (attend calls):

  • Corina Bennett (Amgen)
  • Brack Coalson (Cloudera)
  • Melissa Crenshaw (Nanthealth)
  • Chad Dau (Astellas)
  • Shawn Dolley (Cloudera)
  • Naga Eskala (Quintiles IMS)
  • Lee Evans (LTS Computing LLC)
  • Dave Ficenec (Takeda)
  • Aaron Galaznik (Takeda)
  • Charity Hilton (Georgia Tech)
  • Greg Klebanov (Oddyseus)
  • Steve Lyman (Evalytica)
  • Malcolm McRoberts (Nanthealth)
  • Al Pivonka (Quintiles IMS)
  • Cornelius Raths (Nanthealth)
  • Vartika Singh (Cloudera)
  • Chetan Vora (Quintiles IMS)
  • Tom White (Cloudera)
  • Mui Van Zandt (Quintiles IMS)

Upcoming Meetings

  • October 18 Face-to-face at OHDSI Symposium
  • October 27 - no meeting
  • November 10th Introduction of new sub-groups


Schedule: Friday at 11 AM EST

Next Meeting: November 10th at 11 AM EST

Call in Number: 1-646-838-2458

Attendee access code: 75630528

Skype for Business Meeting:

projects/workgroups/hadoop-wg.1508938777.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/25 13:39 by mui