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OHDSI Natural Language Processing Working Group


The primary goal of the NLP working group is to promote the use of textual information from Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for observational studies under the OHDSI umbrella. To facilitate this objective, the group will develop methods and software that can be implemented to utilize clinical text for studies by the OHDSI community.

Project Lead

Project Coordinator

OHDSI NLP WG Monthly Meeting

When: Second Wednesday of every month at 1 PM - 2 PM CT

Where: Click here to join the meeting

Monthly Meeting: Upcoming - March 8, 2023


1) Presentation - Dr. Daniel G. Smith, Emory University
Abstract: Implementing an NLP process into production is an often challenging task, with considerable requirements for accuracy prior to being relied upon in a clinical workflow. However, including other local members of the clinical and research  community in the process at each stage of model selection and development could provide considerable advantages. At Winship Cancer Institute, we’re starting to bring NLP to our research abstractors, as well as our tumor registrars, so that they can provide critical feedback on dictionary curation, NER label verification, and final accuracy of the models in development. We seek feedback from the NLP working group regarding our model of the current process, as well as discuss your experiences in bringing clinical and research staff into the NLP process.
2) Updates on the progress of ongoing studies

  1. SDoH
  2. Psychiatry
  3. Oncology

3) NLP book chapter and other OKRs

Ongoing Projects

  • Clinical Abbreviations
  • Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) study
  • Extraction, Transformation, and Load Process (ETL)
  • Note type normalization
  • Open source Python NLP package

Past Projects

  • Note_NLP table
  • COVID-19 testing normalization (TestNorm)
  • Note type
  • NLP tools: NLP Wrappers; THEIA; Ananke


A noncomprehensive list of participants: Click here

Upcoming Meeting Dates (2022)

  • December 14


Past WG meetings (Agenda/Minutes/Recordings)

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Click here to join the meeting

Learn More

projects/workgroups/nlp-wg.1677877135.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/03 20:58 by vipina