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NOTE table

The NOTE table captures unstructured information that was recorded by a provider about a patient in free text notes on a given date.

note_idYesintegerA unique identifier for each note.
person_idYesintegerA foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the Note was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.
note_date YesdateThe date the note was recorded.
note_timeNotimeThe time the note was recorded.
note_type_concept_idYesintegerA foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type, origin or provenance of the Note.
note_textYesCLOBThe content of the Note.
provider_idNointegerA foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who took the Note.
note_source_valueNovarchar(50)The source value associated with the origin of the Note, as standardized using the note_tyype_concept_id
visit_occurrence_idNointegerForeign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table when the Note was taken.


  • The NOTE table contains free text (in ASCII, or preferably in UTF8 format) taken by a healthcare Provider.
  • The Visit during which the note was written is recorded through a reference to the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This information is not always available.
  • The Provider making the note is recorded through a reference to the PROVIDER table. This information is not always available.
documentation/cdm/note.1417812229.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/05 20:43 by cgreich