Peter Rijnbeek, PhD
Professor of Medical Informatics and Chair of the Department of Medical Informatics
Erasmus University Medical Center
Peter Rijnbeek is Professor of Medical Informatics and is the Chair of the Department of Medical Informatics of the Erasmus MC, The Netherlands.
He leads the research line Health Data Science (HDS, www.healthdatascience.nl). He obtained his MSc (1996) in Electrical Engineering at the Technical University Delft. His PhD thesis, received from the Erasmus University Rotterdam, was on the development of a computer program to automatically interpret pediatric electrocardiograms.
The HDS team has a leading role in the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI, www.ohdsi.org) by co-leading the Patient-Level Prediction workgroup and contributing to methods and tool development in the OHDSI eco-system. His team addresses issues that deal with the quality of data, the translation of data to other formats, mechanisms to access data in a federated fashion, and the development of analytical pipelines for characterization, population-level effect estimation, and patient-level prediction. Prof. Rijnbeek is lead of the European OHDSI Chapter (www.ohdsi-europe.org) that promotes and enables the adoption of the OMOP-CDM in Europe. He is the coordinator of the European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN) IMI project that builds a federated network of health data bases across Europe standardized to the OMOP (www.ehden.eu). Furthermore, Prof Rijnbeek is the executive director of the DARWIN EU® Coordination Centre that manages a network of real-world healthcare data sources across the EU to conduct scientific studies requested by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
More information and a publication list can be found here: https://www.healthdatascience.nl/peter-rijnbeek-cv