Vojtech Huser, MD, PhD
Staff Scientist, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
Dr. Huser was born in the Czech Republic. He received his medical doctor degree (MD) from Palacky University (Olomouc, Czech Republic, EU) and PhD degree in Biomedical informatics from University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA). He is currently affiliated with National Institutes of Health (NIH), Laboratory for Informatics Development at the NIH Clinical Center. His research interests are: clinical informatics, knowledge representation, clinical research informatics, data repositories and data analysis, workflow technology, executable clinical guidelines, medical decision support systems and quality improvement in healthcare. As an informatician, Dr. Huser worked with numerous informatics systems at Intermountain Healthcare in Utah, Marshfield Clinic in Wisconsin, and NIH in Maryland (intramural campus). He is a former Fulbright scholar (his PhD degree) and recipient of the Young Investigator Award from HMO Research Network. He is a member of American Medical Informatics Association.
Dr. Huser published articles about clinical trial registries and analyzed submitted basic summary data by individual clinical trials within the cClinicalTrials.gov registry. He is an expert in knowledge representation and formulated desiderata for healthcare data repositories. His prior work on process modeling and graphical flowchart models of medical problems is relevant to formulating user-friendly and computable phenotype definitions and representations as well as clinical decision support or clinical trial protocols.
Huser, V., Li, X., Zhang, Z., Byun, J.H., Park, R.W., Banda, J., Razzaghi, H., Londhe, A., Natarajan, K., Extending Achilles Heel Data Quality Tool with New Rules Informed by Multi-site Data Quality Comparison. Medinfo 2019
Boyce RD, Ryan PB, Noren GN, et al. Bridging Islands of Information to Establish an Integrated Knowledge Base of Drugs and Health Outcomes of Interest. Drug Saf. 2014 Jul 2;2:2.
Huser V, Kahn MG, Brown JS, Gouripeddi R. Methods for examining data quality in healthcare integrated data repositories.
Pac Symp Biocomput. 2018;23:628-633.
Cimino J, Ayres EJ, Remennik L, Rath, Freedman R, Beri A, Chen Y, Huser V, The National Institutes of Health’s Biomedical Translational Research Information System (BTRIS): Design, Contents, Functionality and Experience to Date, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2013, Nov 19 2013
Huser V, Cimino JJ. Desiderata for Healthcare Integrated Data Repositories Based on Architectural Comparison of Three Public Repositories AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2013.
Huser V, Cimino JJ. Don’t take your EHR to heaven, donate it to science: legal and research policies for EHR post mortem. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Aug 21
Huser V, Cimino JJ, Linking ClinicalTrials.gov and PubMed to Track Results of Interventional Human Clinical Trials, PLoS One, 2013
Huser V, Cimino JJ, Evaluating adherence to ICMJE’s policy of mandatory, timely clinical trial registration, J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2013, 20:e169-74
Huser V, Cimino JJ. Precision and Negative Predictive Value of Links between ClinicalTrials.gov and PubMed. AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2012; 2012:400-8.
Huser V, Rasmussen LV, Oberg R, Starren JB. Representation and execution of clinical decision support using workflow engine technology. BMC Med Res 2011; 11: 43
Huser V, Narus SP, Rocha RA. Evaluation of a flowchart-based EHR query system: a case study of RetroGuide. J Biomed Inform 2010;43(1):41-50.
Huser, Cimino: Clinical research informatics: Policies and standards supporting data integration in multi-site clinical trials and data re-use within large research warehouses, NIH Research Festival 2013, CDISC conference invited oral presentation
Huser V, Cimino JJ, Providing Pharmacogenomics Clinical Decision Support Using Whole Genome Sequencing Data As Input, AMIA Translational Bioinformatics Summit 2013
Huser V, Cimino JJ, Architectural Comparison of Three Healthcare Integrated Data Repositories, AMIA Clinical Research Informatics Summit, 2013
Huser V, Starren JB, EHR Data Pre-processing Facilitating Process Mining: an Application to Chronic Kidney Disease. AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2009
Huser V, Cimino JJ, Translational Science on Trialome: Retrolective Study of Publishing Results of Clinical Trials, AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 2012
Huser V, Cimino JJ, IDR Snapshot: Quantitative Assessment Methodology Evaluating Size and Comprehensiveness of an Integrated Data Repository, AMIA Translational Bioinformatics Summit 2012
Huser V, Taft LM, Cimino JJ, Suitability of LOINC Document Ontology as a reference terminology for clinical document types: A case report of a research-oriented EHR, AMIA Clinical Research Informatics Summit, 2012