Youjin Park, PharmD
Graduate Student
Department of Biomedical Informatics, Ajou University School of Medicine
Youjin Park is an integrated-PhD candidate in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the Ajou University School of Medicine. She holds her PharmD from Ehwa Women’s University College of Pharmacy in 2017. She constructed the ICARUS database (Immune/Inflammatory Disease Common Data Model Augmentation for Research Union System) and recently did trajectory analysis based on the ICARUS database. She is interested in disease and drug surveillance, and recently have been studying immune/inflammatory disease like asthma.
She joined OHDSI in 2018 and presented a poster and software demonstration (ICARUS WINGS) in the OHDSI US Symposium. She also participated and prepared a Patient-Level Prediction tutorial program in the 2019 OHDSI Korea International Symposium.